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Kinovisning på Drammen kino – kunstfilmprogram kuratert av Buskerud Kunstsenter

Velkommen til kinovisning av tre kunstfilmer av japanske og norske kunstnere på Drammen Kino

I samarbeid med Drammen Kino og den japanske ambassaden i Oslo viser Buskerud Kunstsenter tre kunstfilmer på Drammens kino.

Programmet inkluderer filmer og videoverk av seks samtidskunstnere fra Norge og Japan. De utvalgte verkene tar utgangspunkt i ulike fenomen i den fysiske verden, men skaper samtidig nye fortelling basert på aktuelle økologiske problemstillinger, folklore, historie, spiritualitet og mytiske figurer samt de usynlige grensene mellom mennesker og teknologiske problemstillinger.


MUD MAN (2016), Chikako Yamashiro (JP), 26 min
JEG ER VÆRET (2018), Marte Aas (NO), 12:55 min
PLANET ∑ (2017), Momoko Seto (JP/FR), 11:49 min


Billetter tilgjengelig for reservasjon her.

Filmprogrammet vil være en del av Buskerud Kunstsenters bidrag til 120-årsjubileet for opprettelsen av diplomatiske forbindelser mellom Japan og Norge i 2025. Vi takker Japans ambassade i Norge for godt samarbeid og muligheten til å delta i jubileumsprogrammet.



In collaboration with Drammen Kino and the Japanese embassy in Oslo, Buskerud Art Center shows three art films at Drammen's cinema.
The screening programme includes films and video works by six contemporary artists from Norway and Japan. The selected works opens up challenges about the way we perceive the constraints and limitations of the physical world while building a new narrative based on current ecological issues, folklore, spirituality and mythical figures as well as the invisible borders between humans and technological issues.

In cooralation with the filmprogram we will exhibit a selection of photographic books by women photographers. As a starting point for selecting the books we have been inspired by the book published by Aperture in 2024, I’m So Happy You Are Here: Japanese Women Photographers from the 1950s to Now. The publication presents a wide range of photographic approaches brought to bear on the lived experiences and perspectives of women in Japanese society.

Screening program:

MUD MAN (2016), Chikako Yamashiro (JP), 26 min
I AM THE WEATHER (2018), Marte Aas (NO), 12:55 min
PLANET ∑ (2017), Momoko Seto (JP/FR), 11:49 min

Tickets available here.

The film program will be part of Buskerud Kunstsenter’s contribution to the 120th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Norway in 2025. We thank the Embassy of Japan in Norway for good cooperation and the opportunity to participate in the anniversary program.



The film Mud Man by Chikako Yamashiro is set on Okinawa and South Korea’s Jeju Islands, two locations at the center of local controversies surrounding the presence of the United States military. Japanese and Korean languages are mixed (a combination of unclear Japanese — Uchinaaguchi, fragments and mumbles in Korean and onomatopoeic sound effects to complement the narration), and the landscape of the two islands (Okinawa and Jeju Island) juxtaposed. The film tells the story of a community visited by bird droppings that resemble clumps of mud falling from the sky. These droppings awaken the slumbering people, who pick the clumps up to listen to voices emanating from within, and speaking of history and inheritance, nature and other communities. The work continues Yamashiro’s interest in employing flesh and earth as metaphors to personify the political body of Okinawa. It is a film hard to forget, addressing historical memory and layers contained in a territory in an original way; it deals metaphorically with the complexity of history, but also

By showing melting ice, the appearance of different forms of life, and the extinction of species in PLANET∑, Momoko Seto picks up the story of a distorted world, a poetic metaphor of our own evolution and the probability of its end due to climate change. The artist uses new audiovisual technological advances in order to conceive new gravitational laws and to juxtapose temporalities to vertigo. PLANET ∑, received the Audi Short Film Award at the 65th Berlinale a prize that distinguishes a work of “high artistic signature”, and has been integrated to Mori Art Tokyo Museum´s collection in 2017.

I am the Weather by Marte Aas investigates the connections between the weather, methaphores and our digital reality. With Munch´s iconic painting The Scream as a starting point, the film takes us on a speculative journey through the infrastucture we take most for granted; the weather.




12. februar




Drammen Kino
Bragernes Torg 2a


Buskerud Kunstsenter er et regionalt kunstsenter som ligger i det nye storfylket Viken.

Hvor er vi?
Vi har beliggenhet på Grønland 60 i Drammen, 10 minutter gangavstand fra togstasjonen.

Åpningstider i utstillingsperioder:

Onsdag: 11.00 – 17.00
Torsdag – fredag: 11.00 – 15.00
Lørdag – søndag: 12:00 – 16:00

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